Atheism 3. The Bible is NOT the word of God

It is remarkable that creationists maintain that the bible is the word of God when it is so easily shown that it can only have been made by the mind of man. It is a known fact that the bible is a conglomeration of selected texts added to and subtracted from over the ages.
Even supposing this were not the case - it's view of the universe is stilted and lacking in detail and it is no wonder ideas of yore thought that the universe was centered on the Earth and crystal spheres and the domain of the Gods lay outside - today we know this is not true.
The Bible also shows the value of PI as being 3 - the most inaccurate account ever. If this had been the word of God - then the ACTUAL value of PI would be contained within - even today we do not truly know the value of PI and if anything would have been an indication of the divine source of the Bible it would have been if it contained the a more accurate value of PI than we have today. There is nothing in the Bible that forces us to conclude it is the word of God- and everything in it suggests it is the work of men who do not understand the world very well.

There is a passage in the bible that says that the sun was stopped in it's tracks in the sky -this could never have happened - as the effect would have been recorded in the Earth's fossil record - and in order to have this happen the Earth would have come to a full stop throwing everything on it out into space - it is obvious that the writers of the bible had no idea of how physics works - or they expect us to believe in miracles and the suspension of the laws of physics - there are other reasons for not believing in miracles.

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