Atheism 9. Homosexuality is natural

Religious zealousness seems unable to cope with complex subject matter like homsexuality -often times this is judged "wrong" purely upon the premise that normal sexual acts that result in procreation are the arbiter of what is correct -or some subjective aversion to other people's sexuality is based on an emotional reaction rather than thinking how human sexuality works and what it entails.In actual fact the process of biology is tad a hit and miss and the psychological make-up of someone and their sexual choices is a very complex subject.Rational people are able to discuss dispassionately such subjects without fears and prejudices affecting their emotions -often times one finds the bigoted and fearful are largely collected under a religious umbrella where a simple-minded morality has been impressed into a simple mind that cannot cope with complex ethics and has not discerned how their own ideas of what is natural have come about.When one takes the time and trouble to research human sexuality one finds that the brain's sexual identity is rather more varied than one imagines - all of us have an anima and animus in our psyche - that is - a male and a female part of our mind - this is explained as the archetypes that appear in dreams.Because of the complex nature of genes and the effect of previous history and experience or event the fact that maybe the mentality of one gender can end up in another body -human sexuality is a lot more varied than man and woman - and the idea that books such as the bible purvey - such as God made man and woman creates a fixed idea of sexuality that constrains the actual circumstamces of human behaviour into too narrow a field of view - it is the religious that speak of "unnatural acts" and yet they know not of what they speak,morality should be determined by facts and reasoning,not by fairy stories and belief systems.

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