Would you like to make your skin glow, your hair shine, feel more relaxed and happy and improve your sex-life into the bargain? Well, the solution is in your own hands... Masturbation is the best way to get to know your own body. Sex therapists agree that intimate knowledge of your own body, and understanding what turns you on, is the key to improving your sex life. As an added bonus, apart from being fun, masturbation is a great health and beauty booster. Did you know that orgasm makes your hair shine and your skin smooth? This is due to the increased production of the hormones oestrogen and testosterone. And these hormones don't only make you glow with health, they also help lower stress and keep your bones and muscles healthy, leaving you feeling inside and out. Worried about those wrinkles? Forget Botox - orgasm gets rid of the tension that constricts blood vessels in the brain, and helps prevent frown lines from deepening. It also releases painkillers into the bloodstream, making it a great cure for period pain and headaches. There are major health benefits, too. Orgasms can extend your life, helping fight cancer and heart disease. The endorphins released stimulate immune system cells called 'natural killer cells' which help combat cancer. Orgasms also boost your circulation, helping the body rid itself of toxins that can make you feel ill. Furthermore, sexual arousal releases a hormone that not only makes your skin glow, but improves your memory and concentration and is also thought to help fight depression.