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Shadows from Higher Dimensions

Ivars Peterson


The Too-Good-To-Be-True Bakery is famous for its best-selling bran muffins and carrot cakes. The shop sells a dozen muffins at a profit of $2.50 and a carrot cake at a profit of $1.50. With high demand and an unlimited supply of ingredients, the baker's choice is clear. Baking more muffins means earning a greater profit. One day, the baker notices that she has only a limited amount of flour on hand. Eggs are scarce. Her supply of honey is about to dry up. Because the recipes for bran muffins and carrot cake call for different proportions of these ingredients, the path to maximum profit is no longer quite so clear- cut. A dozen bran muffins require more flour than a carrot cake. Baking only muffins would use up all the flour and may let too much of the other ingredients go to waste. Perhaps baking a combination of both muffins and cakes would use up more of the ingredients and net a higher return.

The baker's plight is a simple, hypothetical example of a type of mathematical problem that involves finding the best solution among many possible answers. The mathematical techniques invented to solve such problems allow managers and planners to establish optimal strategies for allocating time, money, or supplies to keep costs down, profits up, or projects on schedule. To use these techniques, planners must be able to express the main features of their real-world problems in mathematical terms, without overlooking essential details and without excessively distorting reality.

Linear programming (where "programming" means planning) was invented to make such choices easier. "Linear" refers to the type of equations used to express the constraints bracketing a given situation. In making muffins, for example, the amount of each ingredient needed is assumed to be proportional to the number of muffins produced. Doubling the number of muffins doubles the amount of flour consumed; it also doubles the profit from the sale of muffins.

In the bakery problem, suppose that it takes 2 cups of flour to make a dozen muffins and only 1 cup to make a carrot cake. The total amount of flour available, 50 cups, limits the number of muffins and cakes that can be produced. That constraint can be expressed as an equation in terms of two variables. If B represents the dozens of bran muffins to be produced and C the number of carrot cakes, the constraint equation is simply 2B + C = 50. It says that, considering only flour supplies, the baker can choose to make 25 dozen muffins and no carrot cakes, or 50 carrot cakes and no muffins, or any one of innumerable other possibilities, just so long as the total amount of flour consumed is never more than 50 cups. Similar equations express other constraints, such as the limited supplies of honey and eggs.

With just two variables, all the equations can be drawn as straight lines on a two-dimensional graph (see Figure 4.14). Each line divides the plane into two regions. One half encompasses the area where every point (B, C) represents a possible answer; the other half is a forbidden zone. The complete collection of straight-line constraints fences in an area the shape of an irregular polygon within which the optimal answer must be found.

Which is the best of all possible answers? One way to find out is to compute for each pair of allowed values what the profit would be and then select the pair that gives the largest profit. But mathematics provides a convenient shortcut through this tedious procedure. In general, the optimal answer lies at one particular corner, or vertex, of the polygon. The coordinates of that vertex (B, C) provide values of B and C for which the total profit will be highest.

FIGURE 4.14 solving the bakery problem. Because B and C can't be negative, possible answers lie within the shaded area. Other constraints further restrict the area in which feasible values lie.

Real-world business problems - from routing telephone calls to scheduling airline flights and allocating tasks to a work force - may involve hundreds or even thousands of variables and constraints. For these problems, the constraint equations form a complicated nest of hyperplanes in a high-dimensional space. As in the simpler two-variable case, each hyperplane cuts this enormous space in half. On one side of the surtace are points corresponding to feasible plans of action; on the other side lie infeasible points, which violate the constraint represented by the surface. Together, the intersecting hyperplanes create a multidimensional polyhedron called a polytope, which encloses all the feasible solutions. In this case, too, the best answer lies at a vertex.

Solving a linear programming problem is something like climbing to the top of an elaborate, irregular geodesic dome. Step by step, the appropriate mathematical algorithm steers the climber through a space that may be thousands of dimensions in extent to the peak of the polytope. What's needed is an efficient way to close in on the right corner.

The simplex method, introduced in 1947 by George B. Dantzig of Stanford University, navigates toward the answer by mathematically hopping from one vertex to an adjacent vertex across the polytope's surface, always taking the branch that leads "uphill," toward the "peak" vertex, which represents the optimum values for the given set of variables (see Figure 4.15). Using the simplex method effectively is virtually an art. Theoretically, because the number of vertices to be visited may be immense, a computer could take practically forever to reach the right corner. In practice, the simplex method is surprisingly efficient, and years of work have refined it considerably. While just about any programmer can state the method's essence in a computer program of about two dozen lines, actual programs run to more than 50,000 lines. These elaborate steering mechanisms are replete with clever programming ploys that drive the algorithm to Its goal more quickly. Only rarely, In a few pathological cases, is the method slowed down significantly because practically every vertex has to be visited before the peak vertex is at last attained.

FIGURE 4.15 Starting at A. the simplex method proceeds from vertex to vertex until it reaches an optimal value at H.

Over the years, the simplex method has gradually been improved and has now reached the stage where one or another of its many variants can process problems with 15,000 to 20,000 constraints. Beyond this, the simplex algorithm generally becomes prohibitively slow and cumbersome. Unfortunately, many of today's business problems - especially those in the telecommunications industry - have far more than 20,000 constraints and variables.

In 1979, Russian mathematician L. G. Khachian introduced a method that seemed to overcome some of the simplex method's limitations. Khachian's method requires the construction of high-dimensional ellipsoids (in two dimensions, they would be ellipses) around the entire structure. These enveloping, high-dimensional balloons "slide" sideways under the influence of the polytope's constraining surfaces, so that the centers gradually close in on the optimal solution. This procedure guarantees that a computer will complete its job within what computer scientists call polynomial time, whereas the simplex method, at its worst, runs in exponential time. The same kind of time constraints are important for evaluating methods for factoring numbers.

The difference between polynomial time and exponential time is like the difference between x3 and 3x Say x is 10; then x3 is 1,000 and 3x is 59,049. As the value of x (for example, the number of variables in a linear programming problem) increases, exponential time quickly becomes astronomical. On worst-case problems for the simplex technique, when the problem size is doubled, the time required to process such a problem is squared. For the ellipsoid method, when the problem size doubles, the processing time for a worst-case problem goes up by a smaller factor.

However, the Russian algorithm proved disappointing: in practice, it turns out to be far slower than the simplex method for most everyday problems and has an advantage only with very large numbers of variables. Except in certain pathological cases, the simplex method completes the job in about as many steps as there are variables. The worst case, in which every vertex must be visited, rarely comes up. The ellipsoid method, however, shows no such convenient behavior.

In the last few years, a new, remarkably efficient method, discovered by Narendra K. Karmarkar of AT&T Bell Laboratories, has taken the spotlight. Karmarkar's algorithm boldly jumps away from the concept of a surface path zigzagging from vertex to vertex on a polytope of fixed shape. Instead, Karmarkar's algorithm plunges into the polytope's interior and works from the inside, guided by step-by-step transformations of the polytope's shape.

Karmarkar's search for the peak starts with a point that lies within the polytope. The first iteration twists the polytope, according to the rules of projective geometry, into a new shape centered around the starting point. From this newly established, central vantage point, the algorithm takes a step, following the path of steepest ascent or descent, to the next approximate solution point within the poly tope's interior. That's done by inscribing a sphere within the polytope (like blowing up a balloon inside a box until it just fits without being scrunched) and selecting a new point near the sphere's surface in the direction of the best solution. Then the polytope is warped again to bring the new point to the center. Successive applications of these projective transformations have the effect of magnifying the parts of the feasible region close to the optimal vertex. In only a few steps, Karmarkar's method converges on the optimal solution.

Bounds, called performance guarantees, strictly limit how long an algorithm takes to do its job in the worst possible case and are important in theoretical computer science. Like the ellipsoid method, Narendra Karmarkar's scheme also runs in polynomial time, but the exponent governing how long his method takes is smaller than the exponent governing the ellipsoid method. The bound on Khachian's algorithm grows as n6, rendering it impractical for large problems involving thousands of variables. Karmarkar's method grows as n3.5, a significant improvement over the previous polynomial-time algorithm. As a result, when the number of variables in a problem increases, the running time for Karmarkar's method doesn't rise as rapidly as it does for the ellipsoid method. Moreover, the new method, when cleverly implemented in a computer program, in many cases seems to perform significantly faster than the simplex algorithm.

Speed does make a difference. The old joke that it takes 3 days of calculations to predict tomorrow's weather pinpoints the crucial problem. Using known methods and algorithms, many complex problems take too long to solve. Although the simplex method was, for a long time, the best technique known for solving linear programming problems, it had its limits. Karmarkar's method pushes up the number of variables and constraints that can be handled within a reasonable time. Such a vast increase in the number of variables that can be handled in a linear programming problem may reshape many theories in economics and perhaps other sciences. Problems that people once avoided because there was no method for solving them may be now within reach.

Flatland and beyond

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Chaos Quantum Logic Cosmos Conscious Belief Elect. Art Chem. Maths

The Mathematical Tourist File Info: Created 14/1/2001 Updated 7/12/2017 Page Address: