Different Designs

Different Designs

Designs of Computers
The name computer covers many different types of machine. Early electronic computers were developed around valves, which were large and gave off a lot of heat. Later transistors were used. Continued miniaturization of components allowed smaller and smaller computers to be made, but also allowed the power of computers to increase rapidly. Manned space flights needed a small computer that gave an instant response to many sources of information, whilst also calculating complex mathematical equations. The computer used in this project became known as the mini computer. Development of these mini computers continued alongside the development of the main frame computer. Nowadays we are constantly using even smaller computers (micro computers) in everyday life. Micro computers control washing machines, watches, cash tills, and help in the servicing of cars. They are also used in offices to calculate accounts, wages and other office needs.
As computers became smaller and more powerful so their uses developed within science, technology and business.
Computers are sometimes designed for a particular purpose, so each type of machine has its own variations, depending on the work it will have to do. Machines handling data for scientific work, for industry or for commercial undertakings, all have their own special features. In the following pages we will consider what we might loosely call a typical electronic digital computer system with its subsidiary equipment for receiving, storing and presenting information.

Reproduced from "How it Works" Ladybird Series