Atheism 10. The "Bible Code"

The BIBLE CODE as advocated by one Michael Drosnin is a complete farce - it is based upon the notion that acrostics - that is chains of letters read either up down, across or in some cases diagonally-forming related words - such as "Kennedy" and "Assassination" somehow show that the bible has predictive power and is able to indicate future worldly events.This has been shown by at least two programs that I know of to be a concoction of Jewish scholars with a vested interest in trying to ascribe such powers to the bible- note that their own language is interpretable - that is in Hebrew - vowels can be dropped and increase the probability of numerological interpretations to be any given word.Similar experiments carried out on works such as Moby Dick or Shakespeare show the same sort of ability to connect words with worldly events - this is a happenstance consequence of statistics and is nothing whatsoever to do with the bible's so-called "privileged" status.People have maintained that the bible's acrostics have actually predicted world events,but Drosnin as with others is falling foul of the type of retrospective reasoning that John Allen Paulos alludes to in the pseudoscience section of his book "Innumeracy".We are supposed to believe that because the Jewish scholar in question is a capable mathematician that he cannot fall foul of his own superstitious beliefs.I maintain that someone's cultural pressure is enough to warp their perspective out of true and lend too much subjectivity to one's objectivity resulting in a belief that the bible's acrostics have validity without checking how likely it is that A)Such a thing would even have been done by a so-called "God" and B)That since acrostics appear in principle in other books -the whole idea is a dumb farce. Anyone with any sense would dismiss it for what it is - another vain attempt by mystics to try and "prove" that their nonsense has some validity by appropriating semi-scientific methods - I ask you in all honesty - are we really to believe that God's word should be subject to extremely complex statistical analysis before we can ascertain that it IS God's word? What a joke.

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