Atheism 18.Phenomenology

Can we really be sure that our brains input devices tell us the truth about the world? If we are to believe the religious and psychics then we are surrounded by other arenas - dead people who watch us and angels who watch over us - Gods who wait for us to die and for us to "ascend to a higher plane".

Could it not just be that what we see in front of us is all there is to see and that all the above views are the product of the imaginitive mind that feels compelled to imbue the world with other-wordly items because they find life too displeasing?

What evidence is there that our senses do not tell us the truth?
For one thing science at its frontier supposes that there are more dimensions than meet the eye - but all of them are curled up smaller than an atom and we would not witness them anyway - nor are they places that spirits can hide in or that Gods can live in. Science suggests to us that the particle zoo is actually a bigger catalogue than we currently know - that at higher energies there are wave-particles that we are not privy too - even so - these are not the "vibrations" that mediums speak of and never do we hear of a medium who has any inkling of what science DOES know - often times they will purloin or misuse pieces of science to lend credibility to what they say.

Mystics allude to vibrational energies and yet have no idea what is actually happening in a physical object due to it's atoms - that is - they know no science - and yet they claim that what they say is the truth.

Science asks us to believe there are hidden things we cannot see - but it explains using REASON why what it says ought to be the truth - mystics give no explanation for what they claim,nor do they attempt to combine what science knows with what they claim,they merely borrow scientific-sounding terms and make what they say seem more credible than it is. Much like those people who make corn-circles either to laugh at the gullible or to show that they can be made by humans - the truth is obscured by charlatans.

When photons hit your eye after having bounced off objects that is the truth of the world - as far as your brain is concerned - this is what everyone (bar blind people) witnesses - a few others claim sightings of ghosts and apparitions,where are those apparitions and how come light does not regularly bounce off them?

I have lived 42 years, and not once have I seen anything I could not explain via science apart from a few objects - one of which may have been ball lightning and two of which could have been cameras attached to helium balloons...never have I seen a ghost or an alien. All of what I have seen falls well within the remit of science - we might ask the question how we distinguihs hallucinations from the claims of the psychics? All documentaries I have seen on psychics have shown them to be liars and cheats. Perhaps the reality of their eyes is just too boring.......but if that is not the case then why will they not tell us in terms of what science knows or even in terms of what it doesn't - what the heck they think is going on?

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