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Prime Pursuits

Ivars Peterson


A decade or so ago, an interest in factoring was the mark of an eccentric. Only a handful of number theorists cared to wrestle with lengthy strings of digits. This small, obscure group of mathematicians worked quietly, prying open large composite numbers to unlock their prime secrets. They revelled in the pure delight of calculation and in the pleasure of devising elegant algorithms to do their work. Like many ardent hunters, they even kept a list of "wanted" and "most wanted" targets (see Figure 2.5).

Those mathematicians are still around, but they have been joined by a crowd of computer scientists and applied mathematicians eager to test their skills. Armed with advanced algorithms, sophisticated computers, and specialized calculating machines, the newcomers are rapidly changing the formerly sedate and sheltered world of factoring. In just a few years, successful factorizations of "hard" numbers have jumped from numbers with 50 decimal digits to those with more than 80. Now, the list of "most wanted" factorizations must be updated regularly.

FIGURE 2.5 The 1983 list of "most wanted" factorizations. Some of these numbers have a small, easy-to-find divisor, but that still leaves a "hard" part. A specially programmed supercomputer was able to crack all these numbers in the space of a year.

Factoring is of considerable interest because the security of several important cryptographic systems depends on the difficulty of factoring numbers with 100 or more digits. Without doubt, compared with testing for primality, factoring is hard. It takes a day or so of supercomputer time to break an 80-digit number that happens to have no small factors. It would take only a few seconds, if that, to tell whether the number is a prime. Much current research is aimed at providing as sharp an estimate as possible of how hard factoring really is.

The most obvious, systematic way to find the factors of a number N is by trial division. If 2 doesn't divide evenly into N, then 3 may, or 4, or 5, and so on. The first number that divides evenly into N is a prime factor. Dividing N by that factor and then starting the process all over again eventually leads to the full "prime decomposition" of N. To speed up the process, we can divide only by primes rather than by every integer up to N - 1; furthermore, we need not use trial divisors beyond the square root of N. This enhanced trial-division algorithm, as fine-tuned by computer scientists, works well for numbers that have 10 digits or so. Trial division - or "baby divide," as some practitioners term it - is useful for finding small factors of N.

There's trouble, however, if N is something like 2193 - 1. The smallest prime factor is a fairly accessible 13,821,503. The second prime divisor of N lies somewhere in more distant parts. In fact, if a computer could perform a billion division instructions per second, it would require more than 35,000 years of computer time to find the second largest factor of 2193 - 1. It took a new approach and considerable effort by mathematicians Carl Pomerance and Samuel Wagstaff before they could determine that N = 13,821,503 x 61,654,440,233,248,340,616,559 x 14,732,265,321,145,317,331,353,282,383 with each factor a prime.

At issue is whether a factoring method can be discovered that works efficiently for any number. Clearly, trial division is good enough for factoring a large number that happens to be the product of many small primes, but so far, a 200-digit composite that is the product of two 100-digit primes seems immune to any known assault.

Two conflicting sentiments lie at the core of factoring theory and practice. On the one hand, mathematicians would like to find new, faster algorithms that would let them factor even larger numbers within a reasonable amount of time. On the other hand, cryptographers who have based the security of their systems on the presumed difficulty of factoring want to be assured that really fast algorithms for factoring large, hard numbers do not exist.

While conflict between these interests continues unresolved, factoring gets steadily speedier. One important advance occurred in 1971, when John Brillhart and Mike Morrison tried a roundabout rather than direct attack on factoring a hard number. They looked for integers that could act as stand-ins for N, the number to be factored. Their hope was that these substitutes would be easier to handle yet would provide the necessary information to flush out the primes of N.

The idea is to seek two numbers, x and y, that satisfy the equation x2 - y2 = N. In other words, a mathematician hoping to crack a hard composite must find two squares whose difference is the number to be factored. A trivial example illustrates the method. If N happens to be 24, then choosing x = 7 and y = 5 meets the equation's requirements. Because x2 - y2 can be factored algebraically into (x + y) (x - y), then N must have the factors 12 and 2. Although 12 can be factored further, this method provides a good start on factoring the number 24. The hard part is finding x and y, because random dipping into the pool of available integers is about as futile as locating two needles in a haystack.

What about a situation that requires locating thousands of needles in a haystack that happens to contain millions? That sounds a little easier, especially if the extra work provides a greater chance of success. In fact, mathematicians have created just such a numerical haystack by breaking down the problem of factoring one large number into the problem of factoring thousands of smaller numbers that are relatively easy to manipulate. Because there are millions of such numbers to choose from in any particular factoring problem, the best strategy is to avoid wasting time on any small numbers that prove to be uncooperative. A recalcitrant choice simply loses its place, and another number steps in. That's the idea behind the quadratic-sieve and continued-fraction methods, two of the most important general factoring methods now in use.

The speed of factoring depends not only on the algorithm chosen, but also on the type of computer used. Like the numerous ways in which partitions may divide a building into hallways and rooms to channel movement from place to place, a computer's architecture, built into its circuits and wiring, controls the flow of data. Different computers shuffle digits in different ways. Just because a path can be found from one place to another, whether within a building or a circuit, doesn't mean that it's the most efficient way to go.

Although buildings have movable interior walls and computers are programmable, restrictions remain and bad fits may occur. For example, shoehorning a factoring method such as the quadratic sieve into a given computer is sometimes akin to asking a heart specialist to diagnose a foot ailment. It may take longer than necessary for the answer to appear.

One solution to the problem of computers set in their ways is to select a computer that seems to fit the chosen algorithm, then tinker with the algorithm until it runs efficiently on that particular machine. For example, in the computer version of the quadratic-sieve algorithm are extremely long strings of digits. Such a string, also known as a vector, may have several thousand components. During factoring, this vector is modified thousands of times, but only a handful of digits change each time. Normally, no matter how few digits are changed, the computer's processing time depends on the length of the entire vector. A Cray supercomputer is designed, however, so that changes can be made in specific vector components, and the time taken depends only on the number of changes made, not on the vector's overall length. That feature alone could improve quadratic sieving enormously.

In 1983, Gus Simmons, Jim Davis, and Diane Roldridge of the Sandia National Laboratories implemented the quadratic-sieve algorithm on a Cray supercomputer. Within months, their program was able to take on a 58-digit "most wanted" number and vanquish it within 9 hours. Davis then worked out some modifications to the algorithm that further quickened the factoring program, and soon after, one "most wanted" number after another bit the dust.

Marv Wunderlich was able to speed up the continued-fraction factoring method by tailoring it for a special computer called the Massively Parallel Processor, an experimental computer at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. This machine has 16,384 simple processors working like a sharply coordinated drill team, so that each performs precisely the same operation at the same time on different bits of data. Wunderlich and Hugh Williams modified the continued fraction algorithm to take advantage of the parallel processing available, especially for doing the huge number of trial divisions the method requires. They also introduced features that allowed the program to cut its losses early whenever it marched itself into an unprofitable digital corner. The careful fitting of the continued-fraction algorithm to the characteristics of the MPP added 10 digits to the size of numbers that could be factored in less than about 10 hours, bringing it closer in performance to the quadratic-sieving operation on a supercomputer.

Curiously, the five or six best general-purpose factoring methods available seem to share at least one feature. As a result of refinements, all of them seem to have approximately the same theoretical upper limit on their running times. Although such limits are not mathematically rigorous, they represent reasonable estimates of how long a particular algorithm would take to do its job. Whether that limit represents the true level of difficulty for factoring integers isn't clear. No one seems to know what to make of this convergence.

The slow but steady progress in factoring hasn't been nearly as spectacular as the advances in testing for primality. This may mean that factoring really is a difficult problem for which no truly efficient algorithm can exist. On the other hand, a brand new idea could jump the apparent barrier that current methods seem to face. Mathematicians still seem to be a long way from knowing how difficult factoring actually is.

Unpacking a Knapsack

Further Reading

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The Mathematical Tourist File Info: Created 30/12/2000 Updated 7/12/2017 Page Address: